Natuna Sea gas compression activity sanctioned

An EPCI (engineer, procure, construct, install) arrangement has been awarded for the Anoa Phase 4 development in the Natuna Sea off Indonesia, according to abettor Premier Oil.
The activity was accustomed in November and should be completed in 2013. It will accouter about 200 bcf of abortive affluence through accretion the Anoa complex’s compression capability.
Premier expects to accept sanction for development of the Pelikan and Naga fields by end-March, arch to apparent aboriginal gas in 2014.
In Natuna Sea block A, the Anoa Deep able-bodied is conduct advanced with after-effects accepted at the end of this month. The rig will again backpack to assignment the Biawak Besar prospect.
Offshore Vietnam, continued advance items are actuality purchased for the Dua amalgamation to the Chim Sáo field, afterward government approval of the Outline Development Plan. Premier expects aboriginal oil actuality in 2014
Last year’s Chim Sáo North West analysis will be acquainted by a able-bodied this spring. In block 07/03, the accepted plan is to assignment a added analysis able-bodied against the end of 2012, targeting both the Miocene and Oligocene reservoirs.